
Dear readers, welcome to
This website is dedicated to provide knowledge related to Indian culture, astrology and the science of Life with a mission of maintaining truth and quality in the published works which will be helpful for the future generations.
We kindly request the esteemed visitors for visualizing items pertaining to various subjects of the universe. If a particular item is specifically not available, kindly intimate us so that we can incorporate it in an upcoming article. Acquired human knowledge may be limited, but shruthi in Sanskrit, i.e., vedas cover everything under the Sun.
श्रद्धा हि परमा गतिः
Hardships and obstacles are natural for a man due to the results of the past doings. Present is in our freedom. Hard work and determination are emphasized in the course of human life in one’s own doing called ‘shraddha’. Concentration (shraddha) accelerates (us) towards the goal .Remedial works lead life to happiness. Readers may also seek advice and consultations regarding individual or family matters, proceeding through Indian astrological approach leading to peaceful and prosperous life. The website is intended as a knowledge repository for the service of mankind. We join our hands with namaskar & bow with high gratitude towards our esteemed readers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Shri Gopalakrishna is our God. Lord Vishnumangala also being our deity, we selected ‘go’ from Gopalakrishna and ‘mangala’ from Vishnumangala. Thus the name ‘gomangala’ is formed. ‘Go’ also means cow in Sanskrit. Hence, the logo is also suitably justified.
Rahu , Kethu and other six planets with the Sun in the centre symbolize astrology. This website provides helpful information regarding astrology .
Srichakra represents the economics of human life. It is also called as Sriyanthram, with circles & triangles, containing the mathematics and science of time. It is emanating many life messages, which will be discussed in the website in due course of time.
This is a picture from Srimad Bhagavdgeetha (which is a part of the epic Mahabharatha). It is rich in knowledge and abundant in virtues, especially in its true Sanskrit form, which will be discussed in the website.
Sarvajna Swamiji Sri Shankaracharya with his prominent four disciples preserve four branches of vedic sciences, upa-vedas, vedangas, puranas, ithihasas, shruthis & smrithis and their utilities, established far and wide in four corners of India. It depicts the message that this website provides opportunities to learn regarding Vedas (knowledge), Samskrithi (Indian culture), Yoga (combination of methods to achieve good life), Niyama (law), Dhyana (meditation), Shanthi (peace) and Abhivriddhi (prosperity).
This website is created with the intention of providing an optimistic view of life to the readers and strives to preserve the values of Indian culture and way of life.
The readers are free to comment their opinions and views on the relevant articles. For further queries, please use the contact form or may directly visit by fixing prior appointment.

Dear readers, I’m Govinda Bhat K, the author of the website I am from Edirthod, Edneer, located in Kasaragod district of Kerala, in the southern part of India.
To know a little bit more about me, I was born on November 2, 1958 to Shri Narayana Bhat, a Sanskrit scholar and Smt. Lalitha, a housewife. I attended Swamiji’s High School, Edneer. After graduating from Calicut University, I worked as an engineer. During my professional service, I had the opportunity to travel throughout India, during my free time, I learned astrology from my respected Guru Shri Kanapram Narayanan Namboodiri, from Payyannur, Kerala.
I currently reside in my hometown of Edirthod, near Edneer, Kasaragod with my family and spend my time practising astrology and writing articles to preserve our culture, as the website tagline says, for the service of mankind.