Tag: mahabharata (Page 2 of 8)

Mahabharat: Ulukadutagamana Parva

Ulukadutagamana Parva is the fifty eighth Upa Parva included in the fifth Maha Parva named as Udyoga Parva. Vaishampayana continued narration to Janamejaya in reply to his queries as follows.

Kauravas and Pandavas had arranged for the Mahabharata war in Kurukshetra separately in two large camps with their own huge army troops. 

Who was Uluka? 

Uluka was the son of Shakuni. He was young, energetic and very clever. In Sanskrit, Uluka means fox. Uluka was residing with his father Shakuni.

What was the message sent to Yudhistira through Uluka from Duryodhana?

Duryodhana had sent Uluka as his messenger, with the declaration of war. The wordings used were full of insulting the Pandava brothers, and there was no respect for Krishna. It was like a challenge for Yudhishtira. In the message, there was a brief mention of heroism of Duryodhana and old dice games.  

Krishna conveying message to Ulaka
Krishna conveying message to Ulaka

How the Pandavas responded to the war declaration message of Uluka?

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Mahabharat: Bhishmabhisechana Parva

Bhishmabhishechana Parva is the fifty seventh Upa parva included in the fifth Maha parva named as Udyoga parva. Vaishampayana continued narration to Janamejaya in reply to his queries as follows.

Yudhishtira had arranged for his army intelligence for reporting every minute detail of the activities on the side of Duryodhana. The messengers had already reported about the camping of Yudhishtira in Kurukshetra with his seven Akshohini Soldiers to Duryodhana and their army set up details. Hence Duryodhana had decided to install Bhishma as the Commander in chief.

What Duryodhana had requested with Bhishma?

Duryodhana had requested with Bhishma to be the Commander in Chief for his entire troops. In the court session, there were Dritarashtra, Shakuni and Karna.  

What were the conditions put forward by Bhishma?  

Bhishma had agreed to be the Chief for the army troops of Duryodhana under few conditions. Bhishma would not fight with any ladies. He later clarified about Shikhandi and told he would not fight if Shikhandi appeared in the front row of enemy troops. If Karna wished to be an active soldier, Karna may be considered for the post of the commander-in-chief with preference. Bhishma also promised to kill ten thousand enemy soldiers daily if he was not killed by them.

A conversation between Bhishma and Duryodhana
A conversation between Bhishma and Duryodhana

What was the precaution taken by Duryodhana during the war for Bhishma?

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Mahabharat: Sena Niryana Parva

Sena Niryana Parva is the fifty sixth Upa parva included in the fifth Maha parva named as Udyoga parva. Vaishampayana continued narration to Janamejaya in reply to his queries as follows.

What Krishna told to Yudhishtira after returning from Hastinavati?

Krishna returned from Hastinavati, reached Upaplava and resided in the camp of Satyaki. After his evening prayers and having food, he met with Yudhishtira. Krishna started discussions with him and called his Pandava brothers. Krishna told Yudhishtira about his attempts for avoiding war and to maintain peace in the society. He explained how he had come out of the court session hall when Duryodhana was about to order his arrest by Dushasana and Shakuni. He also explained about the helplessness of Karna and Vidura.

Then he announced the message of Kunti for Yudhishtira and her Pandava sons. Kunti had taught them with good education for conducting efficient public administration and social services but not for begging. He also conveyed the entire message to Draupadi. Since the military defensive arts were imparted to them by Drona, they were his disciples. The student should be more shining in the field of learnt subjects and the teacher when defeated by his own students in the same pedagogical field, he would certainly feel happier. The time for using the skills of Pandava brothers would be fast approaching, so conveyed to be cautious and prepared.   

Who were the seven commanders in chief of the seven Akshohini soldiers?

The seven commanders in chief of the seven Akshohini soldiers were identified in consultations mutually. Yudhishtira was a capable warrior but not allotted any army leadership. Karna and Krishna were not participating as active soldiers in the war, hence Arjuna was also not allotted any army leadership. After honouring Krishna, Yudhishtira ordered the word ‘yoga’ as the soldiers would be aligned to march in the troops. Arjuna was in the front, leading the troops towards Kurukshetra. Yudhishtira was in the middle, sitting on the chariot fixed with a white umbrella to be seen by the entire troops, marching towards the Kurukshetra.  

द्रुपदश्च विराटश्च दृष्टद्युम्नशिखण्डिनौ ।
सात्यकिश्चेकितानश्च भीमसेनश्च वीर्यवान् ॥

Meaning: Drupada, Virata, Drishtadyumna, Shikhandi, Satyaki, Chekitana and Bhima were the seven Commanders in chief for the soldiers for Yudhishtira. 

Representative image of the Kurukshetra battlefield
Representative image of the Kurukshetra battlefield

The troops started, and were marching from Upaplava to Kuruksheta for a few days camping in the middle where water was available for them sufficiently. 

What Duryodhana told to Bhishma after return of Krishna from Hastinavati?

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Mahabharat: Karna Vivada Parva

Karna Vivada Parva or Karnopanivada Parva is the fifty fifth Upa Parva included in the fifth Maha Parva named as Udyoga Parva in Mahabharata.

The story of Mahabharata and the Bhagavata Purana were written by the sage Vyasa Maharshi. Vyasa was the teacher of Vaishampayana Rishi and Krishna was depicted as the incarnation of God Vishnu in both of them. In Purana, devotion to God was described as the main theme. Here in Mahabharata, Arjuna had been depicted as the main hero; he was the father of the grandfather of the listener of the story, Janamejaya and he was free to ask any doubtful queries in between the narrations of his ancestor’s life.  After the actual events, more than one century time had already passed then, and the Ashwamedha Yaga was going on at the palace in the Town of Takshashila. 

Kripa was the old family priest of Pandavas and Krishna instructed him to give good education to Pareekshit, then child, the Prince of Abhimanyu was being very young. Krishna blessed Kripa to be living always as a Chiranjeevi. After the great Mahabharata war, the palace at Hastinavati needed renovation and was getting it done slowly. The Dwapara Yuga had ended and after Krishna Niryana, Kaliyuga had started. Kripa had left for his penance at Himalaya in Badarikashram with Veda Vyasa Maharshi, after completion of his teachings to Pareekshit and installing him on the throne as king. Pareekshit had shifted his palace to Takshashila but died at the age of sixty.

Later, the young Janamejaya had assumed the kingship at Takshashila with the blessings of his people. After stopping the Sarpa Yaga, this Ashvamedha Yaga was started in this palace of Janamejaya at the Town of Takshashila. There was no animal sacrifice in that yaga, but this story of ‘Mahabharata’ was narrated by Rishi Vaishampayana, as a virtuous hearing to pass the holy time for the king and the Suta Puranikas of Naimisharanya  had also attended the auspicious occacion.

Vaishampayana continued his narrations to Janamejaya as follows.

Conversation between Krishna and Karna
Conversation between Lord Krishna & Karna
What Krishna discussed with Karna and how did Sanjaya narrate it to Dritarashtra?

After coming out of the court hall with Satyaki and Kritavarma, Krishna desired to ascend his chariot accompanying Karna and hence called him to come along with him. So Karna came and sat near Krishna on the chariot and started their discussions. Krishna told Karna about his birth stories and Karna agreed with him but also replied that the old events were known to him. Krishna requested Karna to join with Yudhishtira and start to rule as an Emperor. Yudhistira would be the prince and all Pandavas would be his servants. Being the eldest son of Kunti, he could shine as an Emperor in the whole world. He could lead a pleasant, glorious future life and avoid the war. Sanjaya told it to Dritarashtra later. 

What was the answer of Karna to Krishna for his tempting offers?
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Mahabharat: Bhagavad Yana Parva

Bhagavad Yana Parva is the fifty fourth upa parva included in the fifth maha parva, named as Udyoga parva. This upa parva is also called as Krishna Anusandhana parva. This is the third most popular upa parva in the Mahabharat, with the first one being Bhagavad Geetha parva and the second one being Vishnu Sahasranama of Shanthi Parva. Vaishampayana continued the narration to Janamejaya as follows.

After sending Sanjaya back to Kurukshetra from Upaplava, Yudhishtira thought, his one reliable person was always Krishna, so his next turn and task would be to beg for his help. Before starting the dice game with Shakuni, Yudhishtira had forgotten Krishna. That lapse or mistake was very serious and resulted in thirteen years of sufferings. Hence Yudhishtira thought if Krishna was consulted before telling anything to anybody, or to order before the seven Akshohini soldiers, better results would be guaranteed.

Krishna as the ambassador to Yudhistira in the court session with Duryodhana and Dritarashtra
Krishna as the ambassador to Yudhistira in the court session

In this parva, Krishna was chosen as an ambassador of peace treaty for the side of Yudhishtira at Upaplava. At Nagasahvaya, on the same day, Duryodhana showed his egoistic nature of power in the court debate leading to the boycotting of Bhishma from his court session for that day. 

Why didn’t Yudhishtira initially show interest in sending Krishna?

Yudhishtira had desired only to consult Krishna after the returning of Sanjaya to Kurukshetra. But he had not shown any interest or intention in sending him to the Palace of Duryodhana or to his court session. Yudhishtira thought Krishna would be physically hurt or insulted if sent alone to the court of Duryodhana, since for the past many years, his experience showed the negligence of Krishna by the Kauravas and their companions.

What Yudhishtira told to Krishna before sending him as an ambassador?
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Mahabharat: Yana Sandhi Parva

Yana Sandhi Parva is the fifty third upa parva included in the fifth maha parva, named as Udyoga parva, in the epic Mahabharata. Vaishampayana narrated to Janamejaya as follows.

After spending the sleepless night, Dritarashtra entered his court hall in the morning, as he was eager to hear the contents of the reply speech of Sanjaya. The main content of Yana Sandhi is the debate on the reply of Sanjaya, the demand of legitimate Indraprastha and parental properties of Yudhishtira, and to return the same back to him. It was an attempt, by discussion, to preserve peace and to avoid war by the mature elders like Bhishma and Drona with Duryodhana.

What was the colour of the court hall of Dritarashtra?

The court hall was painted in white and almost all materials were white in color.

Court hall of Dritarashtra with King Dritarshtra in the centre and royal members around him
Royal court hall of Dritarashtra
Who entered the court hall and how they were seated?

The Emperor Dritarashtra, his son Duryodhana, brother Dushasana, his uncle Shakuni, legal advisor Vidura, Bhishma and Drona, entered according their ranks. The higher in rank were seated nearer to Duryodhana. The royal servants and soldiers-in-waiting, observed their protocols.

How Sanjaya entered the court hall and what he had announced?
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Mahabharat: Sanathsujatha Parva

Sanathsujatha Parva is the fifty second upa parva included in the fifth Maha parva named as Udyoga parva in the epic Mahabharata. The main purpose of this Parva is to confirm the implied essence of Sanatana Dharma and to publish the same before king Dritarashtra.

After telling about the Viduraneeti or legalities on ethics and penal codes, Vidura had invited a boy, Sanatkumara, son of Brahma, to explain regarding the details about death and life to Dritarashtra in the later part of the night.

Who was Sanatsujatha?

Sanatsujatha was one of the sons of Brahma, a boy aged about eight years. Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatkumara and Sanatsujatha were the four sons who were known as young Rishis who possessed full knowledge of Adhyatma Vijnana. This Adhyatma Vijnana is nothing but Sanatana Dharma.

Sanathsujatha Rishi explaining things to Dritarashtra
Sanathsujatha Rishi explaining things to Dritarashtra
What are the Upakhyanas?

Upakhyanas are the side stories. These side stories were told by various Rishis and scholars to Pandavas or some associated characters of Mahabharata, and repeated by Vaishampayana to Janamejaya. These side stories are ancient incidences referred to bring more clarity and understanding about the advices implied in the narration by the orator to the listener.

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Mahabharat: Jagarana Parva

Jagarana Parva, also named as Prajagara parva, is the fifty first upa parva included in the fifth Maha parva named as Udgyoga parva, in the epic Mahabharata. The main purpose of this parva is to disclose the advices of Vidura to Dritarashtra and thereby to insist his son, Duryodhana to return back the legitimate, movable assets and immovable parental properties of Yudhishtira to him.

What was the result of Sanjaya yana on Dritarashtra?

The result of the arrival of Sanjaya to the palace of Dritarashtra had aroused curiosity in him and caused to suffer by the restlessness. In that curiosity, to know more about the replies of the Pandava brothers who were temporarily camping at Upaplava under the kingdom of Matsya, Dritarashtra started guessing.

In addition to the pre-occupations of Dritarashtra, Sanjaya had already told him, hinting, his negligence was the main reason for the sufferings of the Pandava brothers. Then, it was too late, and since he was tired of travelling, he said he would be disclosing it on the next day in the court hall where Duryodhana, his son, had played the dice game cheating Yudhishtira.   

Vidura and Dhritarashtra having a late night conversation
Vidura and Dhritarashtra having a discussion in the late night
Why Vidura was summoned by Dritarashtra in the late night ?

Dritarashtra summoned Vidura in the late night, when he tried to sleep but could not get comfortable sleep, due to sufferings by sleeplessness. Vidura was his younger brother, and used to assist him in all the legal matters related to the royal administrations. The morality, ethics and justice practiced by Vidura was exemplary and hence, in order to pass time on that night, Dritarashtra thought to consult Vidura as a remedy for his sleeplessness.

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Mahabharat: Sanjaya-yana Parva

Sanjayayana Parva is the fiftieth upa parva included in the fifth maha parva, named as Udyoga parva, in the epic Mahabharata. The original epic was composed by Vyasa in Sanskrit. Vyshampayana had narrated the historical events that had taken place in the life of his fore fathers to Janamejaya on his queries.

Why Dritarashtra had sent Sanjaya to Yudhishtira as an ambassador?

Dritarashtra was afraid of Pandava brothers since he thought that, if a war happens in future, and in that battle, if his son Duryodhana had to face Arjuna or Bhima, then Duryodhana would die. In order to know the real temperament of Pandava brothers, Dritarashtra had sent Sanjaya as a royal ambassador towards Yudhishtira at Upaplava. 

Indraprastha was under the control of Yudhishtira thirteen years back, but now under the rule of Duryodhana and it was denied by him to grant it back to Yudhishtira. Hence Dritarashtra had given instructions to Sanjaya to assess the future happenings from the side of Yudhishtira, and try to persuade Pandavas to live peacefully, without entering into his ruling area and not to claim their parental properties. 

Sanjaya sharing the message with Dritarashtra
Sanjaya sharing the message with Dritarashtra
What was the personal message given to Yudhishtira by Sanjaya?

Sanjaya had visited Upaplava and met with Pandavas. He conveyed all the messages to the concerned persons of the royal family of Kurukshetra, at the palace that was then also called as Nagasahvaya, near the Yamuna River. But Sanjaya had personally opined and told to Yudhishtira that it may be better to live by begging alms, and follow a beggar’s life after their completion of thirteen years of exile in the forests, for the remaining period of their life.  

What was the original  message given to Sanjaya by Yudhishtira?
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Mahabharat: Senodyoga Parva

Senodyoga Parva is the forty ninth upa parva included in the fifth maha parva, namely the Udyoga parva in Mahabharata. Vyshampayana had narrated the historic events to Janamejaya on his queries.

How Krishna showed his desire was peace, after the marriage of Uttara?

After the marriage of Uttara, on the fourth day, there was a court session in the capital city of Matsya. Distinguished royal guests attended the session, mainly the close family relatives of Pandava brothers, and the relatives of King Virata. The kings were allowed in the beginning to chat with one another and later they had occupied their eligible seats as fit to their ranks before king Virata.

The issues of the local people were discussed initially and disposed early, and later, they turned into the subject of the provision of the lost kingdom of Yudhishtira to back to him. Krishna and Balarama were seated on either sides of their father and the entire people in the court session silently and eagerly looked towards Krishna.

Krishna finally started speaking and advised to send a suitable messenger to Nagasahvaya of Duryodhana to decide for re-posting Yudhishtira as the king of his lost land, by re-granting him half of his ruling area. He announced both the parties, Pandavas or Kauravas are equally related to him and later, he left to Dwaraka after wishing a happy future life for the newly wedded Uttara family. 

Arjuna and Duryodhana seeking Krishna's help
Arjuna and Duryodhana seeking Krishna’s help
Why Yudhishtira gathered trained soldiers in Upaplava?

Yudhishtira with his brothers and Draupadi lived in Upaplava camp that was provided on a temporary settlement basis. Many kings provided them with many presents and assured help in times of need, if any. Since he was then a relative of Virata, father in law of princess Uttara, it was a necessity of that time to keep royal status, and hence to have soldiers for defense also.

In the later days, Yudhishtira being obliged by Virata, forced to gather trained soldiers, since in times of any attack to Matsya, had to provide over all military protection to him, as Kichaka or Upakichakas, the former army commanders were no more then. He got the support of seven thousand akshohini trained soldiers.

From Panchala, his brother in law, Drupada came to his help. From Madra nagara, Shalya was there to sympathise with him. The sons of Pandavas and Abhimanyu were able warriors, fully trained. The primary requirement of the Pandavas was to provide military help to Virata of Matsya. 

Why Arjuna from Upaplava, visited Krishna at Dwaraka?
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