Tag: Guru (Page 2 of 2)

Agastya Muni In Ramayana

Ramayana depicts the lives of many holy learned persons and they are called Maharshis, Rishis or Munis. India is referred as Bharata Khanda and the peninsular region is called as Indian sub-continent or Bharata Varsha. Various countries had their own independent rulers and in those times of Emperor Rama’s ruling era, the official language was Sanskrit and it was also a link language between countries. In north India, Valmiki Maharshi lived and used his own local language but he has written Ramayana in Sanskrit and taught it to his students. In Lanka also, Sanskrit was the official language but they used a different language while communicating locally. Agastya Muni lived near Tamraparni Mountain of Lanka and history says he used Tamil for local communication but was an expert in Sanskrit. Then, Lanka was considered as the geographic center of the earth for the purposes of calculation in astronomy. People had the knowledge of North Pole and referred earth as Bhoo Mandala, which means one can go circumscribing around the earth.   

Agastya Muni's idol at Shri Datta Temple near Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
Agastya Muni
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Vishwamitra Rishi In Ramayana

Vishwamitra Rishi in Ramayana appears as a great store house of knowledge. His contributions make the epic crazy. Ramayana was purposefully written to prove and show the true style of life worthy to be followed by all human beings in the current and the forthcoming generations.

Vishwamitra Rishi training Rama and Lakshmana
Vishwamitra Rishi with Rama and Lakshmana
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Valmiki Maharshi: Author Of Ramayana

Ramayana is the greatest of epic writings the world has ever seen, written by Valmiki Maharshi in Sanskrit, read by everybody in some form or part of it again and again in our country. In the original book, Valmiki Maharshi initially, exhibits the main character, Rama as an ordinary king deprived of his throne or non-crowned. Driven out of palace and went to forest. Wife accompanied him but she is abducted by Demon Ravana. Rama bound to help Sugriva, the brother of Vali, the king of monkeys. Then the story reverses gradually since most of the actions executed by Rama establishes in the hearts of the readers, a sense of honor on him.

Valmiki Maharshi training Lava and Kusha in the art of archery
Maharshi Valmiki training Lava and Kusha
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Karma: How It Affects Future

Karma means actions or work. The present enjoyments or sufferings are the results of our past doings. The future is in our hands. Time never stops. We are allotted our current day, and each and every moment of today should be well spent so that we enjoy better results in the forthcoming days.  Sometimes we feel failed. Certainly, there would be one or more reasons for the failure. Experience is the best teacher, and talent must be developed on solitude. Character enhances the popularity in the company of like-minded people.  Swami Vivekananda declares, nothing is impossible in this world, hence one could succeed in his endeavor if tried again and again, following the path of Dharma.

Elephant offering lotus to Lord Vishnu
God Vishnu rescuing the elephant on receiving the lotus
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Narada Maharshi

Narada Maharshi is an epic character noted for doubts management. He used to propagate Narayana mantras, consisted of four letters. By playing his Tamburi {a guitar like musical instrument, having fretted with three Turkey strings} in tune of this mantra, he campaigned for Dharma and always travelled to the palaces of Asuras or Devas or even to any people in this world.

॥ नारायण नारायण नारायण ॥
Narada Muni
Narada Maharshi

Lord Vishnu is the father of Narada Maharshi and Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi is his mother. Lord Vishnu had taken twenty one round tours circumscribing the entire world, in order to protect the innocent people and give the capital punishment to the persons engaged in illegal actions, holding an axe, in disguise as a man with a name of Parasurama, or Asura Mardana. Narada Maharshi felt proud of his father.

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Chaturmasya: Importance And Results

Different people of India celebrate Chaturmasya vrata as festival in different styles and on different dates, even though some of these are common for the followers of different faith. It is a very important achara, means performance of religious fast, for controlling self-emotions, and fulfillment of desires by controlling the nature and having the blessings of God at large for the benefit of family and self. In general, it is a holy religious fasting system.

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Astrology Guru Sri Kanapram Narayanan Namboothiri

Guru photo
Photo of Sri Kanapram Narayanan Namboothiri, Kaithapram

The word Guru is used for a person in the sense of honour. It is associated with the field of education and means teacher in Sanskrit. Sri Kanapram Narayanan Namboothiri, from Kaithapram (Pin code – 670631), a place near Payyannur, deserves to be honoured with the word “Guru” since he served for the same in the field of Indian astrology.  The author of this article actually used to reside in his residence as a disciple of astrology and has learnt various items related to the subject during the time periods from 5 p.m. till 9 p.m. in the years from 1983 up to 1989 approximately for six years, but in broken periods. He also provided food in that time and bed for overnight rest, similar to the Gurukulam system of learning.

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Wealth, Web And Attractions

धनमग्निं धनं वायुर्धनं सूर्यो धनं वसुः।

धनमिंद्रो बृहस्पतिर्वरुणं धनमश्नुते ॥

The Goddess of Wealth is Lakshmi as per Indian belief. If one desires to get more wealth and continuously worships Goddess Lakshmi, he faces problems only, since Lakshmi is never pleased by simply worshiping her alone .There are several angels serving the main one, the supreme God, and each angels are assigned universal obligations. Lakshmi being the main angel is none other than the wife of Vishnu, who is the Main Protector of this world, also called as Maha Vishnu. There are more than one thousand names to Maha Vishnu., widely known as Vishnu sahasranama. They are in Sanskrit verses form and anybody could sing the same with musical melody.

Goddess Dhanalakshmi
Goddess Dhanalakshmi
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Acharya Parampara – Shree Adi Shankaracharya

श्रुति स्मृति पुराणानाम् आलयम् करुणालयम् ।

नमामि भगवत्पादम् शंकरम् लोक शंकरम् ॥

The common Indian word for cultural activities as a whole is termed as Achara. Acharya means a person who adds, deletes or modifies suitable items to the cultural activity system and performs the achara or persuades his followers for the benefit of the society. Here in this article, one of the prominent persons is Shree Adi Shankaracharya, for our benefits. He is not the initial one in his line, but we treat him as prominent in his lineage. He propagated the forgotten Advaitha Philosophy of India. His Guru or teacher was Shree Govinda Bhagavad Pada Acharya. The previous known Guru or teacher of Shree Govinda Bhagavad Pada Acharya is Shree Gauda Padacharya.  Shree Adi Shankaracharya is a great social reformer, writer in Sanskrit, founder of the great Advaitha peetha Mathas at four places of India, i.e., at Puri of Odisha, Sringeri of Karnataka, Dwaraka of Gujarat and Badarika of Uttaranchal, which are still functioning.

Shree Adi Shankaracharya
Shree Shankaracharya with his four disciples
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