There are six seasons in India. Generally, there are four seasons, universally known as follows: Spring (Vasantha), Summer (Grishma), Autumn (Sharath) and winter (Shishira). The additional two more seasons classified are Monsoon (Varsha) and Pre-winter (Hemanta).
The most essential commodity for human life is water and the nature provides it by showering rains on earth. Hence the rainy season of monsoon is very important and in India, it is marked as Varsha Ritu. Ritu means season in Sanskrit. Also, after monsoon but prior to winter, there is a phenomenon in the trees which automates falling of their leaves. Trees may be preparing to face winter season and this pre winter season is marked in India as Hemanta Ritu. The Indian classification is illustrated below:
Indian Ritu | Seasons | Period | Lunar months |
Vasantha Ritu | Spring | 21st March to 21 May | Chaitra – Vaishakha |
Grishma Ritu | Summer | 22nd May to 22 July | Jyesta – Ashada |
Varsha Ritu | Monsoon | 23rd July to 22nd September | Shravana – Bhadrapada |
Sharad Ritu | Autumn | 23rd September to 21st November | Ashvija – Kartika |
Hemant Ritu | Pre-Winter | 22nd November to 20th January | Margashira – Pushya |
Shishir Ritu | Winter | 21st January to 20th March | Magha – Phalguna |
In India, it was the customary procedure of all the holy Indian Rishis to bless the entire general public daily by chanting the following verse after their evening routine of offering of water, known as “arghya”, to Sun God and pouring water to the Tulsi plant:
काले वर्षतु पर्जन्याः पृथुवी सस्य शालिनी । देशो ऽयम् क्षोभरहितः सज्जनाः सन्तु निर्भयाः ।।
Let the rain shower in the monsoon season, so that the earth may be enriched with natural green plants, and as a result, this area, land or country is free of famine and righteous people are free of fear of life. Parjanya means naturally falling water.

One may accompany with an umbrella in monsoon season to protect from rains. Corresponding to the six seasons in India, there are six important festivals which Indians celebrate in their homes. This will appear in the next article.
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