Ghatotkacha Parva is the seventieth Upa parva included in the seventh Maha parva named Drona parva. Vaishampayana continued narration to Janamejaya in reply to his queries as follows.

Duryodhana had requested Drona to kill the demon Ghatotkacha. How and when was it done, and by whom? 

After becoming the commander in chief of the Duryodhana army, on the fourteenth day night, Karna had killed Ghatotkacha. But it was a pending order of Drona to Karna so this narration is included in Drona parva.

Who was Ghatotkacha and when did he join the Pandava army?

Ghatotkacha was the son of Hidimbi and Bhima. He was a demon. His style of war was suited to demons. Ghatotkacha’s references are already mentioned on this website under various parvas like Mrigaswapnodbhava parva, Jatasuravadha parva, Ajagara parva, Amshavatarana parva and Hidimba parva. As soon as the Mahabharata war was declared, Ghatotkacha had started to Kurukshetra and on the ninth day, he had joined his father in the war. On the same day, Drona became more active in keeping Ghatotkacha under control, so this parva is also included under Drona parva.

Karna trying to kill Ghatotkacha
Karna trying to kill Ghatotkacha

Since he was a demon, to fight him, Drona recruited many demons into his army. But Drona died first on the thirteenth day night and later on the fourteenth night, Ghatotkacha was killed by Karna when Karna used his preserved Vasavi Astra. Initially, Duryodhana had attacked Ghatotkacha but Duryodhana was defeated by him so Duryodhana had escaped from the battlefield directing Karna to kill him. Later Duryodhana was very happy when Karna had successfully killed Ghatotkacha. 

What did Drona advise Karna regarding the war of Ghatotkacha?

Drona felt very confused when he came to know Ghatotkacha, the son of Bhima, had joined Pandavas’ side. But Duryodhana had pacified him by explaining the capacities of Karna. After the sunset on the next day, i.e., on the tenth day, Bhishma could not kill him but if the Vasavi Astra from his quiver was used by Karna, Ghatotkacha could be killed.

It was the desire of Drona to kill Ghatotkacha. So this history was included in Drona parva by Vyasa. Ghatotkacha was killed by Karna on the fourteenth night. Duryodhana was convinced by Karna properly later. 

Who were Alambala and Alayudha, and when did they join Duryodhana’s army?

On the ninth day of the war, many demons were recruited by Drona. The son of Bakasura was Alayudha. References to Bakasura and Jatasura are already mentioned under Bakasura parva and Jatasura parva on this website. Alayudha was killed by Ghatotkacha in the war. Ghatotkacha had killed Alambala also.

When did the night war start in the Mahabharata war?

After the fall of Bhishma, Drona assumed the commander-in-chief role for the Duryodhana side. On the eleventh day, the style of fighting of soldiers was more or less similar to the management in the war style of Bhishma but on the twelfth day, it was deviated gradually. Duryodhana ordered for the killing of opposite side kings also, so the Pandava side started to face tough times. The protocols were relaxed; gaining success was the only protocol later.

On the twelfth day evening onwards, the war continued at night also. Since Alambala was the son of Jatasura, a demon, he started on the side of Duryodhana, applying the styles of Asura war. So Ghatotkacha started facing Alambala on that night. The soldiers started to use oil lamps at night for the light. Night war was more liked by demons but disliked by humans.

How Alambala was killed?

Ghatotkacha was also a demon and more forceful than Alambala so Alambala was killed by Ghatotkacha. 

How Alayudha was killed?

Alayudha was killed by Ghatotkacha. He was killed in the night war. 

What did Duryodhana advise Karna regarding the war of Ghatotkacha?

Ghatotkacha was fighting with Karna on the fourteenth night. It was demon war style. But Karna was well versed in the demon style of war also. Ghatotkacha had poured rains of stones-like over Karna and his soldiers. The soldiers including Duryodhana started running away.

Then, Duryodhana advised Karna to use his Vasavi Astra, a strong weapon kept preserved for killing Arjuna within the quiver of Karna. When Karna used Vasavi Astra, nobody could face it and Ghatotkacha was killed. That weapon was donated to Karna by Indra as a boon for his many years of penance. It could be used only once. If desired to reuse, it would not be available for the user since it disappeared into the sky. Ghatotkacha then died, but Karna had lost his powerful weapon.

Who was Anjanaparva and when did he die?

Anjanaparva and Barbarika were the sons of Ghatotkacha and were demon princes. Bhima had planned to join them with Yudhishtira for the killing of Drona in the war on the thirteenth day night. The son of Drona, Ashwathama was very angry with the living son of Bhima, and also with his grandson demon prince Anjanaparva. Due to the war’s aggressiveness and enthusiasm, while Karna was fighting with Ghatotkacha, Ashwathama intercepted the battlefield and killed Anjanaparva. It was in the fourteenth day night war, but then Karna was fighting with Ghatotkacha.

How did Dushasana fight with Bhima on the fourteenth day?

Dushasana was fighting and protecting Karna. Bhima was fighting with Vikarna and Dushasana. Bhima had killed Vikarna but Dushasana had run away and escaped. Karna was also protecting Dushasana, so Bhima was waiting for a suitable chance. On the next day, Bhima tried but Dushasana had escaped away and Karna had died.

Who was Barbarika and why he was not accepted in the Mahabharata war?

Barbarika was the second son of Ghatotkacha. Barbarika would help only the weaker side of the army. After winning, he would leave the succeeded side and oscillate between the sides. Krishna did not allow it. So he was not permitted to join the war.

How did Ghatotkacha fight with Karna on the fourteenth day night? 

The style of war was more wonderful. Almost all the demons on the side of Duryodhana were killed by Ghatotkacha who were recruited earlier by Drona.  But with Karna, he failed due to the strong preserved weapon Vasavi astra.

Why Krishna had convinced Arjuna regarding the war of Ghatotkacha?

Arjuna felt very sorry to know Ghatotkacha, the son of Bhima was killed. But Krishna had pacified Arjuna explaining the yoga and their reasons. On the next day, on the fifteenth day before sunset, Arjuna could kill Karna only if the Vasavi Astra was detached from the quiver of Karna. It happened on the fourteenth day night of the war. Krishna convinced Arjuna properly. 

Why Yudhishtira was sad on the night after the death of Ghatotkacha?

Since Karna had killed Ghatotkacha, Yudhishtira had become very sad. 

Who was the charioteer for Karna when he fought with Ghatotkacha?

During the night war, Karna had fought with Ghatotkacha. It was the demons’ war and human beings like Shalya were not required there. Moment by moment, Ghatotkacha was using strange methods but only Karna was able to fight with Ghatotkacha. A charioteer is familiar with horses. But during the night war, Ghatotkacha had also used donkeys for his chariots.

Hence in the night war, Shalya had not indulged as a charioteer. But on the fifteenth day of daytime war, Shalya was the charioteer to Karna as per their agreements. Yudhishtira and Shalya were not in the fourteenth-day night war. But Ghatotkacha was killed at the same time.  

Next post, Mahabharat: Drona Vadha Parva would be more interesting.

Mahabharata: Narayanastra Parva would be presented separately in another article.

On reading this story, children would gain more memory power and great moral strength in their lives in future; creating a sense of self-reliance leading to peace and progress.

It is humbly prayed for the blessings of God Krishna upon us. 

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