धनमग्निं धनं वायुर्धनं सूर्यो धनं वसुः।
धनमिंद्रो बृहस्पतिर्वरुणं धनमश्नुते ॥
The Goddess of Wealth is Lakshmi as per Indian belief. If one desires to get more wealth and continuously worships Goddess Lakshmi, he faces problems only, since Lakshmi is never pleased by simply worshiping her alone .There are several angels serving the main one, the supreme God, and each angels are assigned universal obligations. Lakshmi being the main angel is none other than the wife of Vishnu, who is the Main Protector of this world, also called as Maha Vishnu. There are more than one thousand names to Maha Vishnu., widely known as Vishnu sahasranama. They are in Sanskrit verses form and anybody could sing the same with musical melody.