Tag: Ramayana (Page 3 of 4)

Jabali Rishi In Ramayana

Shanthi Mantra verses, like the ones shown at the end of the article Lava Kusha, have been recited by the holy sages and learned persons when the kings advanced during the peaceful processions.

वसिष्टो वामदेवस्च जाबालिस्च दृढव्रतः ।
अग्रतः प्रययुः सर्वे मन्त्रिणो मंत्रपूजिताः ॥
Rama, Lakshmana, Sita and Rishi
Rishi’s ashram at river bank
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Khara Dooshana And Kumbhakarna In Ramayana

In Ramayana, KHARA, DOOSHANA and KUMBHAKARNA are demons. The area north of Lanka and south of Kosala in India was the free moving zone of demons. The main forest area called Dandakaranya was occupied by the fierce demons and Dooshana was ruling the forest kingdom. He was the close relative of Ravana. His mother was Raka and his brother was Khara and they were born as twins. Janasthana was the capital of Dandakaranya. It was having road access, south up to River Godavary and north up to River Ganga. Dooshana had a chariot of large size and it was driven by eight horses. His country had good military arrangements and he was to take care of the North side of Lanka which was ruled by Ravana.

Kumbhakrna in his sleep
Kumbhakarna in deep sleep
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Places In Ramayana

The Mountains and places available in the epic Ramayana are spread all over India. Sometimes, there are two claims for the same name of places. Some of the remains like granite architecture, temples are mementos for memorizing the names of the particular Ramayana incidents or important characters. In olden days, the names have been assigned in Sanskrit, in Ramayana. After the change of rulers of the localities, the names of the places also change due to various reasons. The names of Mountains and Places are mythological, some of them found in Ramayana are given as below:

Ayodhya river bank
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Agastya Muni In Ramayana

Ramayana depicts the lives of many holy learned persons and they are called Maharshis, Rishis or Munis. India is referred as Bharata Khanda and the peninsular region is called as Indian sub-continent or Bharata Varsha. Various countries had their own independent rulers and in those times of Emperor Rama’s ruling era, the official language was Sanskrit and it was also a link language between countries. In north India, Valmiki Maharshi lived and used his own local language but he has written Ramayana in Sanskrit and taught it to his students. In Lanka also, Sanskrit was the official language but they used a different language while communicating locally. Agastya Muni lived near Tamraparni Mountain of Lanka and history says he used Tamil for local communication but was an expert in Sanskrit. Then, Lanka was considered as the geographic center of the earth for the purposes of calculation in astronomy. People had the knowledge of North Pole and referred earth as Bhoo Mandala, which means one can go circumscribing around the earth.   

Agastya Muni's idol at Shri Datta Temple near Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
Agastya Muni
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Lava Kusha In Ramayana

In Ramayana, Lava and Kusha are the twin children of Rama. Sita is the mother of these children.  After returning from Lanka, Rama had ordered to banish Sita and sent her into forest and these two children were born in the hermit’s cottage built on the bank of Tamsa River. This hermit belonged to Valmiki Maharshi.

Lava and Kusha capturing the Ashwamedha horse
Lava and Kusha with Ashwamedha horse
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Vishwamitra Rishi In Ramayana

Vishwamitra Rishi in Ramayana appears as a great store house of knowledge. His contributions make the epic crazy. Ramayana was purposefully written to prove and show the true style of life worthy to be followed by all human beings in the current and the forthcoming generations.

Vishwamitra Rishi training Rama and Lakshmana
Vishwamitra Rishi with Rama and Lakshmana
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Jatayu And Pushpak Viman In Ramayana

Ramayana has become an interesting story due to the wonderful references with respect to air travel. The role of Sampati has been narrated in detail in the past article. To remind a few facts, it is better to memorize them.

On hearing the prayer of Garuda, God Vishnu has blessed two healthy children to him. The elder one is Sampati and the younger is Jatayu. Both of them have performed their services towards Shree Rama, the incarnation of God Vishnu, in sincere devotion.

Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and other flying back to Ayodhya in the Pushpak Viman
Pushpaka Viman
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Vibhishana In Ramayana

Initially, in Ramayana, Vibhishana could be observed as a loving and devoting younger brother of the demon, Ravana. He is the son of Kaikashi and his father is Vishrava. Vibhishana is considered as a demon but his ancestral history is rooted to a Gandharva Princess. The mother of Kaikashi is Ketumati and the father is Sumali. Sumali’s father is Sukesha and Sumali’s mother is the Gandharva Princess Manimaya. Sumali had fourteen children and Kaikashi was one of them. Thus, the palace of the great grandmother of Vibhishana could be only guessed.

Rama, Sita and companios worshipping Rameshwara Lingam
Worshiping Rameshwara Lingam
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Shatrughna In Ramayana

In Ramayana, Shatrughna is a loving and devoting youngest brother of Rama. He is the younger son among the twin babies born to Sumitra and his father is Dasharatha. Shatrughna is considered as the incarnation of the Sudarshana Chakra of the protector God, Maha Vishnu. God Vishnu holds the wheel in his right hand, as a symbol of protection of Dharma. So Shatrughna also is the active character in protecting the Dharma with the incarnation of God Vishnu, Rama.

Bharata worshipping the sandals
Worshiping the sandals of Shree Rama
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