Tag: facts

Karma Siddhanta

Karma in Sanskrit means the works. It has other meanings such as duty or actions also. Siddhanta in Sanskrit means finally proved principle in the end. It has other meaning such as proof or theorem. Hence this subject is the principle of work and its results up on its doer, considering all living creatures on earth including the human species. The complementary idea of this truth is Punarjanma, means rebirth. In the previous article on this website ‘Karma: How it affects future, it is described.

How Punarjanma Siddhanta is complementary with Karma Siddhanta?

Punarjanma Siddhanta means the ‘Principle of Rebirth’ and is the complementary principle to the Karma Siddhanta. Moreover, these two principles are also linked to the Mimamsa Science as already told in this website. These are the subjects of Sanatana Dharma.

According to Indian Karma Siddhanta, there are certain terms or words to be understood initially to think before the Karma Siddhanta. Punya means virtues gained. Papa means sins accumulated to one’s life account. Rebirth means, after death, the living soul energy will be born again according to the credits of virtues and sins taken together in another young child body. The universal soul generally referred as God can create his soul as its own tiny part life beings having own mechanism capable, as discussed in the chapter of Madhvacharya of this website, under the Dvaita and Advaita Siddhantas.

A ceiling decoration from a Jain temple in Ranakpur, Rajasthan where the knots represent the interlinking notion of karma
A ceiling sculpture in Ranakpur, Rajasthan representing the interlinking notion of karma

The unicellular organ bacteria are the smallest life species as detailed in Garuda Purana. Elephants, rhinos or human beings are the bigger in body-size life as detailed in Garuda Purana. But the life soul active energy of bacteria, cows, elephants or rhinos are equal in mass and weight. Shankaracharya proved in his life the portability of this soul energy from his body into the recently dead body of another man is possible, the technique with name as Para Kaya Pravesh. But the transplanting of soul energy from human to another human only was shown as possible.

Hence after several times of birth and death, one slowly starts gaining more and more virtues and finally gets into the human body. When the virtues are very high and sins are meagre, one gets birth as a child to live later as a pure vegetarian. In India, then that human being gets the horoscope. This is a typical life under Sanatana Dharma who could be born anywhere now.

जननी जन्म सौख्यानां वर्धनीकुल संपदां ।
पदवी पूर्व पुण्यानां लिख्यते जन्म पत्रिका ॥

Meaning: Mother being the reasonable cause of birth and pleasures, later developments of the child, the family growth with wealth, according to the previous virtues, the status in the society it gets, for considering all these facts the horoscope is written.

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Veda in Sanskrit means the science of knowledge. It has other names such as Shruti, Agama, Amnaya etc. The contents are very huge and it was initially divided into four divisions for the convenience of teaching and learning, with the names as Rigveda, Atharvaveda, Samaveda  and Yajurveda. In due course of time, each division were further classified as main branches and auxiliaries or Vedashakhas and Upa-Vedas, dealing with different specialized subjects.

Bharadvaja Ashrama was like a University in olden days. Gauthama Ashrama was another such example. The classification of a particular Veda has no particular date and time. Sushruta was the son of Vishwamitra Rishi. He had written books on medicines. One Rishi with the formal name as Bharata had composed verses on Natya shastras. Chanakya had composed books on Arthashastra. Maya had contributed to archeology and artilleries. All are in Sanskrit. These developments were concluded as the basics for job oriented courses.

Representive image for Upaveda
Representive image for Upaveda

Gradually, the four branches of Vedas were learnt by the students separately according to their aptitudes, further evolving into ten clear branches. Surgery and medicines were studied by the students of Rigveda having the branch name as Shakhala Shakha and those verses pertaining to their aptitudes were termed as Ayurveda and later, that auxiliary branch continued as Upaveda of Rigveda. Thus medical field got the name evolved as Ayurveda. Rigveda had only one branch, so one wing Ayurveda is the one assumed Upaveda, continuing even now .

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Mimamsa Science: Unveiling the Ancient Indian Philosophy and its Relevance in Modern Life

What is Mimamsa?

Mimamsa is the Indian branch of philosophy considered to be founded by Jaimini Rishi, but Mimamsa science was there even before the period of Jaimini. It has two parts, the initial part of Vedas, known as Karma Kanda or Purva Mimamsa and the later part of Vedas, known as Brahma Kanda or Uttara Mimamsa.

Since the Uttara Mimamsa deals only with the items of debates about soul of the human life, it is still under public usages and practices. The Purva Mimamsa requires high grade knowledge of Vedas so it is less popular but more practical in Vedic life and in Indian astrological remedies, it is openly and frequently used as Parihara Karmas.    

Who wrote Markandeya Purana? 

Vyasa Maharshi had written Markandeya Purana. But Vyasa got the story and principles of Goddess Devi from Markandeya Maharshi. More about Mimamsa Science is elaborated in Markandeya Purana.

With the example of birds feeding their young ones, in Markandeya Purana, the divinity of Goddess is explained. The works and results of the living bird are referred as the principles of motherhood as well as hidden secret principles of Mimamsa. Since Vyasa was the teacher of Jaimini, it could be proved as Mimamsa existed prior to Jaimini Rishi.

Represntative image of jaimini Maharshi writing scriptures while sitting under a tree
Represntative image of jaimini Maharshi
Who were the disciples of Vyasa and what were their contributions?

Vedavyasa had four prime disciples and they were Paila, Vaishampayana, Jaimini and Sumanthu. Paila was responsible for Rigveda, Vaishampayana Yajurveda, Jaimini Samaveda and Sumanthu for Atharva veda. In additions to these books, they contributed to Puranas and other philosophical texts called as Dharma shastras.

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Earth: Reliable And Permanent

Our Earth is permanent, but always rotating around the sun. It is also revolving about its own axis which is inclined, more than twenty three degrees, having a shape of an apple. Technically, the shape is geoid. Three fourth of its mass is water and only one fourth is soil. In Rigveda or Yajurveda, it is explained as the Sun controls our Earth.

Matsya, Kurma and Varaha avatars of Lord Vishnu
Matsya, Kurma and Varaha avatars of Lord Vishnu

In mythology, Earth is worshiped as the wife of God Vishnu. God Shiva is allotted the duty of destruction according to the code of conduct of Indian (our) thought called Dharma. The dancing of Shiva is explained as Pralaya, which means total shuffling of the earth. The protector of earth has scientifically arranged one permanent shed as a safe house at Badari for the use in case of emergency and the creator Brahma used to sit in it, taking classes to his four children, namely, Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatkumara and Sanatana. That shed is called Narayana Ashram.

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Constitution Of A Nation

The most essential book in a nation for the smooth and satisfactory administration is the Constitution of that nation. The purpose of endeavor of the administrators is to allow all people to live happily, be with good health and visualize around with a feeling of secured scenario and never sustain sorrows. Shreemad Bhagavatha Purana, the ancient Indian book upholds these values:

सर्वेऽपि सुखिनः सन्तु सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कस्चिद्दुःखमाप्नुयात् ॥
Lord Krishna and Arjuna on a chariot in Mahabharatha
Lord Krishna and Arjuna in action to preserve Dharma
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Flag: The Symbol Of Honour

Flag is the symbol of honor.  By seeing a raised flag, one could get an idea of the people preceding it, in other words, it upholds the ideology of its followers. In the mythology, the characterized heroes of India have different depictions on their flags and even the divine characters, say deities, also possessed flags in India.

Flag with website logo on a hill
Flag with website logo

Some typical mythological characters and worshiped deities having flag are:

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