Ganapathi or Ganesha idol is worshipped by the maximum number of devotees in India. Ganesha is the Chief Leader of twenty one Shiva Ganas, or the Chief Leader of the group leaders of the servants of God Shiva supporting and doing good services. Ganesha idols are worshipped not only within India by his devoting people but also by many merchants throughout the world, since he is the master of auspicious (Shubha) and profitable (Labha) achievements. He is also the master as well as the leader of education, health, wealth, knowledge, success and so on.

How many types of Ganesh Chaturthi are present for worshipping of the Lord Ganapathi?
In the Lunar system, in a month, there are two types of Chaturthi days. In the Shukla paksha Chaturthi, the morning time is good for the Gana Homa to worship with fire, ghee and precious combustible items. In the Krishna paksha Chaturthi, evening time is good for the Ganesh Alankara Puja to worship with flowers, garlands and eatables. Some people continue till the rising moon appears on the Eastern horizon. Indian system of Arati or Maha Mangalarathi is offered on both of these occasions.
Ganapathi puja can be performed optionally on all days also. Usually, for the idol, Ganapathi with the right trunk is selected for the worship in temple but for worshipping in a house, left trunk Ganapathi idol is recommended. This orientation of trunk is not negotiable by the devotees but sincerity of the devotee is recognized by the God and he, the devotee, is blessed, befitting.
How great works and Ganapathi are related in India?
In India, great works are always commenced with the worship of Ganapathi. Just to remember him is also sufficient for his satisfaction. By remembering his name, the powers of concentration within the mind and body of the human being activates the path of success. The errors or lapses in any great project works result in obstacles in the midway but by praising Ganapathi initially, such obstacles go away by his induction.
How observing Ganesha fast and sighting of moon is linked?
There are two types of Ganesha Chaturthi days in the two fortnight periods within a lunar month, as discussed above. On the black moon or Krishna paksha Chaturthi day evening, the fasting is named as Sankashti Chaturthi. The chanting or praising of Ganesha is continued from the early part of the night until the rising of moon commences on the Eastern horizon and on sighting of the rising moon, Ganesha worshiping is finalized.
On the white moon or Shukla paksha Chaturthi day morning, the fire worship is done, named as Gana Homam. The chanting or praising of Ganesha is finished in the morning as usual and balance of the offering, called as Naivedya prasada is distributed. From the early part of the night until the setting of moon, devotees remain inside the building to avoid the sighting of the crescent moon. If any Ganesha idol procession is arranged on this evening, it should start only after the moon setting. Generally, moon setting happens on that day evening, after three hours of Sun setting on the Western horizon.
What is the precaution for thirty three year cycle of crescent moon sighting?
On the evening of lunar month of Bhadrapada, Shukla paksha, Chaturthi, evening, the sighting of crescent moon is believed as liable to get the curse of God Ganesha. Ganesha idol procession if any arranged on that evening should start only after the moon sets. This is a special precaution required for the Sanatana followers. If the Sanatana Ganapathi believers sincerely worship Ganapathi in the evening by remaining under any building, it is most auspicious and desirable.
In the Arabic system, on the new moon day of the starting of the holy Eid Al Fitr festival, for the finishing of their fasting, the beginning of the new month, the sighting of the crescent moon is desirable on the same evening. This event coincides on the evening of Bhadrapada, Shukla paksha Chaturthi evening. There is a lunar cycle of thirty years, and this event repeats after every thirty three years. Hence children of two different cultures may be well explained of the above phenomena and the students should be shared the true knowledge of the lunar cycle of the nature.
The greater responsibilities lie on the part of parents of Sanatana Dharma followers since the Ganesha idol worshipping system is the oldest system of this universe and such references are also available in Srimad Bhagavatha texts attached with the story of Krishna and Syamantaka diamond.
The last Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturthi and Eid Al Fitr crescent moon sighting occurred on September 10th, 2010, Friday and the next one recurs after thirty three years, so it would repeat on September 06th, 2043, Sunday evening, after the sunset as the holy events are coinciding. Sincere devotees should observe the precautions.
Are there any restrictions to worship Ganesha or Ganapathi?
One cannot restrict the other one in worshipping of Ganesha or Ganapathi or any other idol of God for whatsoever reason. There is no restriction to worship God Ganesha, or in other words, anybody can observe any domestic methods. Since Elephant is a purely vegetarian species, animal sacrifice is prohibited. He is very much pleased to accept the Doorva grass, available freely in nature.
Which Veda branch emphasises about Ganapathi?
About Ganesha or Ganapathi, Suktas or hymns are available in Atharva Veda branch. But all Veda branches are preserved through Atharva Veda, and hence nobody can certainly argue as only Atharva Veda branch is emphasizing about Ganesha.
Every branch of knowledge opens only after remembering Ganapathi and he is the first and the foremost initiator to all Vedas. For the convenience of learning as well as teaching, Veda Vyasa Maharshi had classified the hymns in four batches and he had one son with name as Shuka and additionally four disciples. Rigveda was taught to Paila Rishi. Yajur Veda was taught to Vaishampayana Rishi. Sama Veda was taught to Jaimini Rishi. Atharva Veda was taught to Sumanthu Rishi.
Shuka Maharshi was the son and elder than these Rishis and every lecture class of Veda Vyasa Rishi had started with the hymn ‘Ganapataye Nama’. Therefore, not only Veda branches emphasis about Ganapathi but in Sanatana Dharma, every branch of any science has the emphasis about Gajanana, as ‘अहर्निशं ‘always.
Which idol is worshipped in between Goddesses Sharada and Lakshmi by devotees?
In between Goddesses Sharada and Lakshmi, Ganesha idol is placed and worshipped by devotees. Sharada is the Goddess of Education and all kinds of Shubha or auspicious aspects related to the devotees are governed by her. Lakshmi is the Goddess of Wealth and all kinds of Labha or items of profits related to the devotees are governed by her. Both of these Goddesses are pleased by worshipping the single idol of Ganesha, seated in the middle position in between them.
What are the twenty one Ganas for which Ganesha is the leader?
God Ganesha is worshipped as the Lord of twenty one (21) Ganas:
The twenty one number is remembered by the principle of KATAPAYADI or Akshara-Sankhya method. The letters of Ga Na Pa Ta Ye Na Ma are having the values, Ga=3, Na=5, Pa=1, Ta=6, Ye=1, Na=0 and Ma=5. On adding these values of letters, 3+5+1+6+1+0+5=21.
Thus naturally, the number 21 is assigned to God Ganapathi, by Rishi people.
The fundamental items are five, Earth, Fire, Air, Sky and Water.
The Jnanendriyas for human beings are five: ear, skin, eye, tongue, and nose.
The Karmendriyas are five: Mouth-1, Hands-2, Legs-2, giving outputs.
The five external inputs are: Sound, Heat, Light, Food and Smell.
The life soul or Jeevatma when added with the above, the total become 21.
Some people give the following explanation also:
- Gajasya, Leader for the elephant herds.
- Vighnaraj, Leader to control any kind of obstacles.
- Lambodara, Leader for eating, having big stomach, with good digestion power.
- Shivatmaja, Leader for the children of Shiva.
- Vakratunda, Leader for non-violent principles having one tusk.
- Shurpakarna, Leader to take orders, to hear with attentive and large ears.
- Kubja, Leader of Ashta siddhi for yogis.
- Vinayaks, Leader of Group-leaders.
- Vighnanashi, Leader for the removal of obstacles.
- Vaman, Leader of Vishnu incarnations.
- Vikata, Leader for the provision of happiness.
- Sarvadevata, Leader for the thirty three crores of Devatas.
- Vighnaharta, Leader for the control of obstacles.
- Dumrakarna, Leader of all types of physicians.
- Ekadanta, Leader with manager of one tooth.
- Krishnapingala, Leader of all observers.
- Bhalachandra, Leader of playing children
- Ganeshwara, Leader for all known groups.
- Ganapa, Leader of all simplifiers.
- Kavi, Leader of all poets.
- Jeshtaraja. Leader of all ruling kings.
Anyhow, Ganapathi is always a great God. The big head gives the message of the great thoughts and the great digestive power is shown by the big human appearance, He truly is a convincing God. The capacity is shown by the various able hands with various working tools and there is a serpent used as belt by him.
What are the specialties in the appearance of Ganapathi?
Different poses of idols of Ganapathi are found to be worshipped by devotees. According to the attitude and related field of works, the idols are chosen for providing the motivations and achieving the success. Good memory power is the gift of God Ganapathi and for the easy memory, the appearance always helps the devotees. There is also a proverb ‘slow and steady wins the race’.
How many good characters of Ganapathy are known to human beings?
Human beings cannot count the good characters of Ganapathi but the same God can provide good characters to his devotees. No comments on his blessings.
What are the materials linked with God Ganapathi?
The following are a few materials linked with God Ganesha or Vinayaka.
- Garika, or Doorva grass
- Big stomach
- Modaka
- Pasha
- Big ears
- Small mouth with trunk
- Single tusk, Ekadanta
- Mouse as his vehicle
- Assurance in right hand
- Trunk for great tasks
- Axe, symbol of rules
- Small eyes
- Big head
- Sweet foods
- Flowers, symbol of happiness
What is the main reason to worship Ganapathi in Sanatana Dharma?
In Sanatana Dharma, a reason for worshipping Ganapathy cannot be assigned. But the devotee after many years of worshipping would tell his/her experiences. Good and comfortable life is generally experienced by the devotees of Ganapathi. The reason for the Ganesh Puja before the Kamya Karmas are to achieve successful end results later through the desired performances. There will be no failures after his blessings.
Which are the famous Sanskrit Shlokas of Ganapathi?
गणेश स्तुति श्लोकानि: शुक्लांबरधरं विश्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजं । प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत्सर्व विघ्नोप शांतये ॥ वक्रतुण्डमहाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ । निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देवा सर्व कार्येशु सर्वदा ॥ एकदंतं महा कायं तप्त कांचन सन्निभं । लंबोदरं विशालाक्षं वन्देहं गणनायकं ॥ श्रीकान्तो मातुलो यस्य जननी सर्व मंगळा । जनकः शंकरो देवो तं वन्दे कुन्जराननं ॥ अगजानन पद्मार्कं जगाननमहर्निशं । अनेकदन्तं भक्तानामेकदन्तमुपास्महे ॥ गणेश शट्पदि: सुमुखश्चैकदन्तश्च कपिलोगजकर्णकः । लम्बोदरश्च विकटो विघ्ननाशो गणाधिपः ॥ धूम्रकेतुर्गणाध्यक्षो भालचन्द्रो गजाननः । द्वादशैतनि नामानि पठेत्छ्रुणुयदपि ॥ विद्यारंभे विवाहे च प्रवेशे निर्गमे तथा । संग्रामे सन्कटे चैव विघ्नस्तस्य न जायते ॥
It is a lifelong benefit to learn a few of the above Shlokas by heart.
What are the similarities between Ganesha and Hayagriva idols?
Ganesha and Hayagriva idols are similar in their head portions since they possess animal faces but below the neck, they have human forms with four hands. Both Elephant and Horse eat vegetarian food. Both are human-friendly. All Sanatana believers think the Angels are the servants of a Single God but different Angels have their own assigned tasks of protecting the devotees.
What are the differences between Ganesha and Hayagriva idols?
There are many different aspects in the idols of Ganesha and Hayagriva. Ganesha has big head, that of an elephant. Hayagriva has the smart head like that of a horse. Doorva grass is the pleasing stuff for Ganesha. Kadale/channa porridge (Bengal gram boiled with coconut milk) is the pleasing stuff for Hayagriva. God Shiva is the father of Ganapathi. Hayagriva is the form of incarnation of Vishnu. Ganesha should be worshipped by all with preference and priority to start up any big auspicious work like marriage, building constructions or assuming any new project works. His blessings are required to overcome any obstacles. Worshipping of Hayagriva is optional to the devotee.
What is the common idea within Ganesha and Hayagriva idols?
Offering grains and encouraging devotion in duty are the common ideas in the worship of Ganesha and Hayagriva idols. Animal sacrifice is to be discouraged and neatness is to be maintained. Ganesha can lift higher weights. Hayagriva can ride fast, protecting the believer’s life, and lead on any kind of path to the higher order.
What are the benefits of reading these Ganesha or Hayagriva articles?
Ganapathi and Hayagriva are separate articles in this website. There are two words, Karya and Karana. Karya means serious work, Karana means reasons. By reading about Ganesha, human beings would not face any obstacles in their path towards achieving success. By reading about Hayagriva, human beings would not feel disappointments in the middle of their path achieving towards success.
Prosperity is the result. Vishnu Sahasranama Japa means chanting of thousand names of Vishnu which is also a virtuous work in human’s life, equivalent to worshipping Hayagriva. Devotion to God is considered as a good character of human beings. Let us pray these holy Gods always shower blessings upon us.
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