Bhagavad Yana Parva is the fifty fourth upa parva included in the fifth maha parva, named as Udyoga parva. This upa parva is also called as Krishna Anusandhana parva. This is the third most popular upa parva in the Mahabharat, with the first one being Bhagavad Geetha parva and the second one being Vishnu Sahasranama of Shanthi Parva. Vaishampayana continued the narration to Janamejaya as follows.

After sending Sanjaya back to Kurukshetra from Upaplava, Yudhishtira thought, his one reliable person was always Krishna, so his next turn and task would be to beg for his help. Before starting the dice game with Shakuni, Yudhishtira had forgotten Krishna. That lapse or mistake was very serious and resulted in thirteen years of sufferings. Hence Yudhishtira thought if Krishna was consulted before telling anything to anybody, or to order before the seven Akshohini soldiers, better results would be guaranteed.

Krishna as the ambassador to Yudhistira in the court session with Duryodhana and Dritarashtra
Krishna as the ambassador to Yudhistira in the court session

In this parva, Krishna was chosen as an ambassador of peace treaty for the side of Yudhishtira at Upaplava. At Nagasahvaya, on the same day, Duryodhana showed his egoistic nature of power in the court debate leading to the boycotting of Bhishma from his court session for that day. 

Why didn’t Yudhishtira initially show interest in sending Krishna?

Yudhishtira had desired only to consult Krishna after the returning of Sanjaya to Kurukshetra. But he had not shown any interest or intention in sending him to the Palace of Duryodhana or to his court session. Yudhishtira thought Krishna would be physically hurt or insulted if sent alone to the court of Duryodhana, since for the past many years, his experience showed the negligence of Krishna by the Kauravas and their companions.

What Yudhishtira told to Krishna before sending him as an ambassador?

Yudhishtira told to Krishna about their own current status, after gathering the seven regiments of soldiers and troops, he had no treasury with him. The food for the soldiers was supplied as donations by the respective donor kings and for his family, it was provided by the Matsya king Virata. The first envoy by the priest of Drupada was futile. So Krishna was the lone hope for Pandavas. 

कुशस्ठलं वृकस्ठलमासम्दी वारणावतं ।
अवसानं च गोविंद किं चिदेवात्र पंचमं  ॥

Meaning: Govinda, Kushastalam, Vrikastalam, Masandi, Varanavatam and additionally one more village of his own choice, totally five villages. The legal request was thus finalized and put forward by Yudhishtira. It was limited, to finally five villages only.

If five villages were denied, then five towns would also be acceptable.  

पापः क्षत्रिय धर्मोऽयं । कपालं ब्राह्मणैर्वृतं ॥

Meaning: This Kshatriya Dharma is sinful. For a Brahmin, begging may be allowed.

क्षत्रियः क्षत्रियं हंति मत्स्यो मत्स्येन जीवति ।
श्वा श्वानं हन्ति दाशार्ह पश्य धर्मो यथागतः ॥  

Meaning: Krishna, see the journey of Dharma that had come all along. A King kills another king, like a big fish lives by eating another fish, a dog kills another dog. Thus, Yudhishtira had addressed Krishna passionately.

Yudhishtira told Krishna, he would be bound to seek the way of war to get his legal portion of land, but Krishna should try to avoid the war and recommend granting his Indraprastha palace and fixed paternal assets. But Yudhishtira never particularly desired for Indraprastha and asked to grant it. Since the Indraprastha palace was built with the help of Krishna, Yudhishtira guessed he would be supporting for getting it back. 

Why Yudhishtira was finally convinced in sending Krishna?

Krishna was ready to do as per the announcements of Yudhishtira. Krishna assured him about his own self-defense and then Yudhishtira was convinced to send him as an ambassador to Kurukshetra to ask for a few areas of landed properties for Pandavas’ livelihood. Satyaki and Kritavarma were ready to act as commandos of protection for the security of Krishna. 

Then Yudhishtira told Krishna let Duryodhana grant him as fit for his brother at least five villages. The names would be Kushastalam, Vrikastalam, Masandi, Varanavatam and any one other village, with five villages in total.

If five villages were denied, then five towns would also be acceptable.

What was the opinion of Bhima, as told to Krishna?

Initially, Bhima showed his love for peace and told Krishna, he desired to live like a Muni in the forests and let Duryodhana continue to live for a few more days happily as an emperor at Kurukshetra. But if Duryodhana desired to taste about a war with him, he would offer him a tasty feast of war but then there would not be a future life for him and his people. Bhima agreed with Krishna, he would be ready for anything but preferred a peace treaty.  

What was the opinion of Nakula, as told to Krishna?

Nakula was in support of his brothers and he was ready to obey their orders. As per the decisions of Krishna only, things would move in future, he said. But Nakula guessed, Duryodhana would not agree to give back their eligible paternal assets with his peace treaty since such was the character and conduct of Duryodhana showed so far.

What was the opinion of Sahadeva, as told to Krishna?

Sahadeva was also in support of his brothers and he was ready to obey their orders. As per the decisions of Krishna only things would move in future, he said. But he remembered about Dushasana and Draupadi. Hence, he decided to face any kind of situation, with preference to have a peaceful life.  

What was the opinion of Draupadi, as told to Krishna?

Draupadi was in tune with her husband, Yudhishtira and she told the same opinions. Draupadi told Krishna, let Duryodhana grant him as fit for his brother at least five villages. But she guessed about the possibility of war.

If the five villages were denied, then five towns would also be acceptable. But Draupadi argued, Duryodhana would not agree to give back their eligible paternal assets, with his peace treaty since such was the character and conduct of his brother.

Dushasana had so far showed high handed cruelty.  Duryodhana was highly depending up on Dushasana. Finally Draupadi told Krishna as he was the only one person to be relied up on for her future life, showing her untied hairs. But she guessed about the possibility of war in Kurukshetra. 

What was the opinion of Satyaki, as told to Krishna?

The opinion of Satyaki was similar to that of Nakula. Satyaki was in support of his master Krishna and ready to obey his orders. As per the decisions of Krishna only things would move in future, he said. But he guessed, Duryodhana would not agree to give back their eligible paternal assets abiding with peace treaty of Krishna since such was the character and conduct of Kauravas supported by Shakuni so far.

What is the Krishnopanishad by Vyasa? 

Krishopanishad or Krishna Upanishad is the principle of Krishna Bhakti as told by Vyasa Maharshi. During these current days, the Bhakti Vedantha has evolved from this principle of Krishnopanishad, being one of the 108 minor Upanishads. The journey of Krishna from Upaplava to the palace of Duryodhana at Nagasahvaya was described by Vyasa in a very holy manner. Vyasa had highlighted Krishna as the incarnation of God.

Why Vyasa Maharshi had written Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana?

To make it more pleasing with clarity, Vyasa had to compose the Srimad Bhagavatha Mahapurana. The main theme is Krishna Bhakti or devotion to God Krishna. During the period of Sri Rama’s incarnation, many Rishis desired to spend their life with Rama but then he had to convince them, assuring to wait up to Dwapara yuga and to take rebirth as Gopikas. Hence in Dwapara yuga, as Krishna and Gopikas, they lived as family members but bound with Bhakti.

Krishna had taken incarnation from Vishnu but he also had to show before Bhrigu Rishi, his higher capacities, in another story. Hence Krishna showed many lessons and proved many messages in his life. Madhava was the name of Krishna and sincere devotion to God by Gopikas was another meaningful lesson to anybody. 

With Krishnopanishad alone, the great capabilities of God Krishna could not be summarized or described in detail. The words would be insufficient to explain the glories about Krishna as Vyasa thought and he had felt the necessity to write the Mahapurana as a separate book with the name as Srimad Bhagavata on Krishna.

Vyasa had given it as the preferred first book to his own son Shuka Maharshi. Shuka Maharshi had narrated it to the Emperor Parikshit, when the king had already crossed his age of sixty years and got a curse from Shringi, the son of Shamika Rishi. The contents of the Bhagavata story are still wonderful with its power of healing any kind of sorrows. 

Why Vyasa Maharshi had written Mahabharata?

With the name as ‘Jaya’, the great warfare’s histories and Sanatana Dharma capabilities of God Krishna had been summarized in detail. The shlokas or verses would be very great in number to explain the glories of Krishna and the capacities of Arjuna as Nara and Narayana. Hence Vyasa felt the necessity of the book and he had assigned the name ‘Jaya’ as the second and separate book with the commencing verse as below.

नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमं ।
देवीं सरस्वतीं व्यासं ततो जयमुदीरयेत् ॥

Meaning: Narayana is to be saluted first. He is not only a human being but also the best man of the human species. The Goddess Saraswathi is to be saluted next, and thereafter the name of ‘Jaya’ to be uttered. Then Vyasa could be saluted as usual. The original name of Mahabharata was ‘Jaya’ as Vyasa had assigned to it. 

He had taught it to his own son Shuka Maharshi as well as to his junior disciple Vaishampayana Rishi. Vaishampayana had told it to the Emperor Janamejaya, the son of Parikshit, after the king had stopped performing Sarpa Yaga.

Astika Rishi had stopped the killing of innocent snakes at his court, and then happened to be in Kurukshetra. The Sarpayaga was stopped in the middle on the day of Pushya star, that Parva chapter was named as Paushya parva available in this website being a part of Mahabharata. The reasonable stopping techniques adopted by Astika Rishi, described in Astika parva, is certainly interesting and available in this website. The contents of the Astika parva of Mahabharata are still wonderful with the explanations in support of non-violence and the power of continuance of the Naga species in this world, forever. This Parva in ‘Jaya’ is a proof of victory, for the value of non-violence and the esteemed readers may browse for Astika parva as well as Paushya parva in this website.

Actually, Vaishampayana narrated ‘Jaya’ to Janamejaya during the Ashwamedha at Takshashila after the Sarpa Satra was stopped and the Yaga venue shifted to Takshashila. Astika had advised Janamejaya, as there would not be any profit for him by the Sarpayajna, also he could be at a loss, besides having more sins, but it would be best for him to perform Ashwamedha yaga with grains, adopting non-violence principles.

Hence, without any animal sacrifice, he had resorted to do Ashwamedha yaga at Takshashila and simultaneously got enough time to hear the great chapters of Mahabharata along with the assembly of Suta Puraniks, from the mouth of Vaishampayana Rishi. Later, Suta Puraniks had carried it from Takshashila to Naimisharanya and propagated it.

Thus the need of the Mahabharata story was necessitated to enforce non-violence. In other words, Vyasa Maharshi had written Mahabharata to record the history of war but his intension was to propagate the virtuous message non-violence.

Why Krishna stayed at Vrikasthala for his night halt?

Krishna was the ambassador for the peace treaty who came on behalf of Yudhishtira. Yudhishtira and Draupadi desired to get Vrikasthala if the treaty was successful. Krishna personally decided to halt at Vrikasthala to study the interactions of various citizens of Dritarashtra’s empire and to assess the impact of rulings of Duryodhana.

On arriving at Vrikasthala, it was evening and hence the halt for that night was decided there. The horses of the chariots were freed, fed well and set to rest. Krishna cleaned his body and completed his evening prayer there. Even though Duryodhana had arranged seminar halls with decorations all along the way from Vrikasthala to Hastinavathi, Krishna was not interested in them.  

Why Bhishma boycotted the court session of Yudhishtira?

Duryodhana wanted to avoid the debate with Krishna and he disliked his anticipated arrival at his court on the next day. He had decided not to give back any landed properties to Yudhishtira. In front of Bhishma, Duryodhana told he would be ordering the arrest of Krishna, if he had entered his court hall. As per the approved laws, the arrest inside the court hall would be illegal and Bhishma disagreed with idea of Duryodhana. So he scolded him and informed Dritarashtra, he would be boycotting the court due to the wicked thoughts of his son. 

Who was the Rishi with his disciples moving ahead of Krishna?

Parashurama Rishi, Kanva Maharshi and many more Rishis were moving ahead of Krishna. Their intention was to have a look at Krishna directly.

Who met Krishna first at Kurukshetra?

Vidura met Krishna first at Kurukshetra and saluted him. But Krishna directly entered the palace of Duryodhana. He saluted Kripacharya first and then informed his arrival to Duryodhana. When Duryodhana persuaded him to accept dinner at his palace, Krishna very politely answered him that he had to meet many persons including the mother of Yudhishtira, Kunti at the house of Vidura. Then Krishna came out of that palace and went towards the house of Vidura.

Who were the ones to meet Krishna the second time as protocol holders together at Hastinavati and why?

Bhishma and Drona were the next (second) meeting persons. They were elder in age so were saluted with reverence by Krishna. They had also saluted.

Who was the third person met by Krishna?

Dritarashtra was elder and a blind man besides an Emperor. Hence as the third person on the way out of Duryodhana’s palace premises, he met with Dritarashtra, saluted him and enquired about his comforts.

Why Krishna had not accepted the dinner offer of Duryodhana?

Duryodhana again called for Krishna and requested him for dinner at his palace. Krishna clarified as he had come to his palace as an ambassador for the side of Yudhishtira and it may not be proper to accept dinner before accomplishing his assigned tasks. Krishna had spoken to each and every person of the palace of Duryodhana and also wished happiness to all people on his way to the house of Vidura.

Where Krishna preferred for lunch & halt and why?

Krishna preferred for lunch and halt in the house of Vidura. Vidura and his mother were sincere devotees of Krishna and they desired to have his presence in their house for a day. Moreover, Kunti was residing there for the last thirteen years. She had to be convinced with his visit since her sons were now at Upaplava. Her grandsons were happy in Dwaraka and the news of wedding of Abhimanyu would bring her happiness. Krishna liked simplicity in life. Due to many other administrative reasons, Krishna thought to remain in the house of Vidura, as a peaceful place.

Who were the first ones who visited Krishna in the evening at the house of Vidura?

Bhishma and Drona were the first persons to visit Krishna in that evening at the house of Vidura. Bhishma knew about Krishna as he was the incarnation of God Vishnu. Drona was also a sincere worshipper of Krishna. Vidura was the legal advisor of Dritarashtra and as the chief guest, Vidura had treated Krishna with reverence when Bhishma along with Drona had witnessed the events. 

Who were the next persons who visited Krishna in the morning at the house of Vidura?

Shakuni, Duryodhana and Saubala were the persons to visit Krishna in the next day morning at the house of Vidura. They mutually saluted. Shakuni invited all of them to the court hall and Saubala informed most of the holy Rishis had already assembled there to see Krishna.

Thus, after taking food and getting permission of Kunti, Krishna had started towards the court hall. Duryodhana was secretly thinking to arrest Krishna and to put him in his own custody. But he never disclosed his secret intensions.

How was the entering of Krishna for the court session described?
अग्रतो वासुदेवस्य कर्णदुर्योधनावुभौ  ।
वृष्णयः कृतवर्माच आसन्कृष्णस्य पृष्ठतः ॥

Meaning: In front of Vasudeva, both Karna and Duryodhana were moving, leading ahead. On the back side of Krishna, both Kritavarma and Vrishni (Satyaki) were there.

Krishna was moving in the middle and intended to enter the hall for court session.

What was the initial message of peace treaty by Krishna in the court session?

Krishna had observed, some of the Rishis were waiting for permission at the entrance of the court session hall, and he requested Bhishma politely to provide them good and befitting seats inside the hall. On getting signals from Bhishma, Dushasana had brought excellent gold and gem-decorated chairs and placed near Dritarashtra. Then, Parashurama Rishi had entered and was seated nearest to Dritarashtra.

In the next seat, Kanva Rishi had been seated and other holy Rishis were also seated comfortably. Then Krishna had worshipped all the Rishis and everybody kept very silent looking towards Krishna. With the authentic sound, Krishna had appreciated Duryodhana initially for his lucky status in the court.

Like a sermon, Krishna had spoken first, on an agreeable time, with a pleasing tone, to hear everybody in the hall and Duryodhana was hearing attentively but he thought with doubts, looked with frowning eye brows at Krishna. His thoughts were about his material wealth and the land grabbed from Yudhishtira. He was preparing himself for reply, but kept quiet. Krishna had briefed the past events in short and announced the message of Yudhishtira as he desired for peaceful life, befitting for his family as a brother.

Who had spoken first after the message of Krishna?

Parashurama had spoken first after the message of Krishna. Parashurama quoted an example of an old king with the name Dambodbhava having immense wealth with him. With his false confidence, which later proved futile, he was finally defeated by enemies and died in the end. Parashurama advocated providing befitting portion of land to Yudhishtira and later Duryodhana with his brothers would be continuing to live together happily.  

Who was the second person after the message of Krishna had spoken?

Kanva Maharshi was the next person speaking in support of the views of Parashurama’s ideas. He also quoted some side stories and referred some names like Matali, Sumukha Sukeshini and Narada. His intention was to ease the tension of Duryodhana and support the peace in the society.

What was Bhishma’s opinion?

Bhishma elaborated and started advising Duryodhana regarding the ruling of the land and their inheritances. Since the father of Yudhishtira, King Pandu was looking after the administrative matters, the land and palace was his legal assets and now the befitting portion could be provided or granted to his son Yudhishtira. The story of thirteen years and previous bitter experiences may be forgotten and it was open to Duryodhana to decide, on consulting with his father and mother.  

What was Drona’s opinion?

Drona was having similar opinions about Pandavas. But being financially dependent on Duryodhana, he could only support Bhishma.

What was Vidura’s opinion?

Vidura strongly advocated providing half of his land to Yudhishtira and satisfying Krishna and Kunti. If Duryodhana denied the proposals, he should further decide himself and consult his father or mother to clear any doubts.

What was the initial response of Duryodhana?

Duryodhana heard praising of Yudhishtira as he had possessed seven Akshohini regiments of soldiers, having strongest weapons with them. He thought it was a kind of threaten on his part and thought as Pandava brothers were forcing pressure upon him to get back their paternal assets. He told being seated on the throne of an Emperor, using the methods of forcing pressure or threats on him, would not yield any benefits. 

What was the opinion of Dushasana?

Dushasana was a sincere brother to Duryodhana and always tried to please him with his crooked thoughts and actions. He praised and supported Duryodhana. 

What was the collective opinion of Duryodhana announced in the court session?

Duryodhana with Karna, Dushasana and Shakuni had privately spoken with one another. Then he announced their collective opinion as they would not be ready to oblige the orders of Yudhishtira, as to give them five villages, being shown their army forces. In order to save the prestige of his blind father, as a befitting emperor, he would be ruling with his confident persons. His army strength was greater than that of Yudhishtira and extended with eleven Akshohini soldiers, thus never weaker than that of Pandavas.  

Why Duryodhana boycotted the session and went out?

Duryodhana felt the people in his court session were praising Yudhishtira and Krishna. Krishna directed Dritarashtra to keep his son under his oral control and he could even order to arrest Duryodhana as a responsible father and ruling Emperor in accordance with the laws and justice prevailing. Then, Duryodhana with Karna and Dushasana, stood up, signalled mutually and boycotted the session by walking out.

When they reached outside the court, they secretly discussed about the situation. Duryodhana told his companions, he would not get an order from his father to be arrested but instead they could arrest Krishna earlier, to take him under their control.   

Who had initially gone out after the boycotting of Duryodhana?

Parashurama and Kanva were the next persons who went out of the court session.  

What Dritarashtra had done to invite Duryodhana back into the court hall?

Dritarashtra assured his son Duryodhana that he would not be arrested, and sent Vidura near him with compromising words requesting him to re-enter into the court session. The trio then re-entered the court session. Satyaki and Kritavarma were observing them.  

What had been done by Gandhari, the mother of Duryodhana?

Dritarashtra had invited Gandhari, the mother of Duryodhana. She came to the court session and started advising him to give away the legal portion of half of his ruling landed area. Gandhari had elaborated the entire life history of Kuru and Pandu ancestors. She argued that herself is not eligible to rule and after Pandu, only Yudhishtira would be entitled to sit on the throne. When the mother was not a befitting queen, naturally the son Duryodhana would not be a prince. Since Yudhishtira had liked peaceful life, he had lived in exile for the last thirteen years, Gandhari told. Duryodhana should continue to rule and he should treat Yudhishtira as his brother.     

What had been done by the Duryodhana and his followers?

When most of the court session people were found in favour of Krishna with his peace treaty message, Duryodhana, Dushasana and Karna with Shakuni went outside the hall for the second time. Their attitude was not soft towards Krishna.

What Kritavarma had done?

Kritavarma got some signals from Satyaki. When Duryodhana, Dushasana and Karna with Shakuni had gone outside the court session hall for the second time, Kritavarma had arranged his chariot outside the gate and Satyaki had quickly moved towards Krishna, but stood there itself.

What was the message of Vidura?  

Vidura told the message of Krishna, as his peace treaty was binding for all.

How Vidura had helped Dritarashtra?

Again, Vidura had called Duryodhana inside with soft words and succeeded. But Dushasana and Shakuni were thinking of a conspiracy to arrest Krishna and keep him under control, and their attitude was observed by Satyaki. Karna had kept himself outside since he was not interested in the family affairs of Dritarashtra.

What Satyaki had done?

The quick action of Satyaki was wonderful and he understood the crookedness of Dushasana and his companions. Hence he suddenly went near Krishna and stood with him. Satyaki was an able warrior, a student of Arjuna and nobody could defeat him. Later, from the court session hall up to the gate, he escorted Krishna. 

To whom Krishna had showed his Viswarupa Darshana for the first time?

Duryodhana was thinking to arrest Krishna. Krishna understood his thoughts. Krishna had showed his Viswarupa Darshana for the first time in this court session before Duryodhana but when Satyaki came near him, he re-assumed his normal appearance and followed Satyaki till his chariot. Then Krishna with Satyaki joined Kritavarma and Krishna desired to meet Karna who was outside the hall.  

What was the great wonder that happened in the court session?

When Krishna showed his Vishwarupa Darshana, all the Rishis repeated his name as Narayana and went on chanting till he re-assumed his normal form.

What Dritarashtra told to Krishna when he was about to return?

Dritarashtra told Krishna his son Duryodhana would be pardoned for his childish attitude, since he was not intelligent but dull. Being blind, he had cut a sorry figure.

What Dritarashtra told to Bhishma and Drona when Krishna was about to return?

Dritarashtra told to Bhishma and Drona the actual ruling of his Kurukshetra had lined up with them and as per Sanatana Dharma, their administration should continue. As a dependent father, he also desired to satisfy his son.

Where did Krishna go after the court session of peace treaty? 

Krishna went near Karna after the court session of peace treaty. Krishna had sympathized with Karna for his miserable life situations. Karna was free to join with Yudhishtira. Krishna disclosed his life origin story, but Karna told him everything would be moving as per destiny.

Karna knew Krishna was the incarnation of Vishnu. Karna wanted to be sincere to Duryodhana and he told the future would be his sacrifice for his master Duryodhana. Karna also predicted due to Krishna on the part of Yudhishtira he would gain success if a war had happened in future. Later, Krishna with Satyaki and Kritavarma moved towards the house of Vidura on his chariot to meet Kunti and to report everything about the proceedings. 

What messages Kunti had sent with Krishna for her Pandava sons?

Krishna had met with Kunti and reported everything about the proceedings that happened in the court session of Duryodhana on that day. As usual, he finished his evening prayers and took his night food and then started discussing the proceedings of the palace.

Since Vidura was the legal advisor for the Emperor, he had the responsibility to provide life security to Duryodhana. Vidura was a sincere devotee of Krishna also. Duryodhana was egoistic due to his wealth and believed more on muscle power of Dushasana. Duryodhana treated with insulting words both on Krishna and Vidura. As a result, Vidura had abandoned his job of the palace and later kept away from the Mahabharata war. Krishna knew Vidura was the brother of Pandu and he had looked after Kunti for the last thirteen years.

Krishna had carried the message of Kunti for her sons at Upaplava. She was stuck under grief, feeling sorry for being the wife of Pandu as well as the mother to the Pancha Pandavas. Since Duryodhana didn’t follow the line of peace treaty, he would not give any land, even to the extent of the minutest area as that a tip of a needle would occupy; Kunti sent her message with Krishna for Yudhishtira and his brothers to perform their duties according to their education received earlier.  

Krishna also requested Kunti to meet and advise Karna suitably at the earliest.    

Who were the companions of Krishna when he left Hastinavati?

Satyaki and Kritavarma were the companions of Krishna when he left Hastinavathi. Vidura had bid farewell to him with reverence.

What Bhishma had advised Duryodhana after Krishna had left Hastinavati?

Bhishma had once again advised Duryodhana after Krishna had left Hastinavati not to rely upon the capacity of Karna. He also disclosed Arjuna and Krishna were like Nara and Narayana. Arjuna was very powerful not only in physical activities but also morally very strong, since he never lied. Bhishma also narrated the lengthy story of Ambopakhyana, the cause of death for himself. But due to the sinful adversity in time, Duryodhana had not been convinced by his advices.

What Drona had advised Duryodhana after Krishna had left Hastinavati?

Drona had once again advised Duryodhana after Krishna had left Hastinavati not to rely upon the feeble techniques of Shakuni. He also disclosed Draupadi and Drishtadyumna were born from ritual fires as stories of revenge against him. Drishtadyumna was his direct disciple, very powerful not only in physical activities but also morally very strong; his soul had come out of fire being rebirth of Ekalavya. Drona also narrated the lengthy story of king Drupada, the cause of death for himself. But due to the sinful adversity in time, Duryodhana had not been convinced by his advices.

What was reported by Krishna to Yudhishtira, on returning to Upaplava?

Krishna had reported all the events and attitudes of Duryodhana and his companions to Yudhishtira, on returning to Upaplava. Krishna told Yudhishtira regarding the arrogant conducts of Duryodhana supported by Dushasana and Shakuni. He had appreciated the hospitalities of Vidura and about the worries of his mother, Kunti. Since Duryodhana was earnest to exhibit his army strength, Kunti was also advising to show the defense education given to Yudhishtira. He was sympathetic about Dritarashtra and told to Yudhishtira to treat him and Gandhari as his own parents.

Krishna was very clever to give this suggestion since the absence of Duryodhana was hinted to him, after his tendancy for war, or then Yudhishtira could confirm his victory indirectly by his narration. He was also very kind towards Karna and reported the internal opinion differences between Bhishma and Karna. Krishna reported to Pandavas and Kunti to keep away from the young Ashvathama, the son of Drona, since he was very eager to show his sincerity, by disturbing Pandava brothers, to make Duryodhana happy.

After reaching Upaplava, Krishna had requested Yudhishtira to send Kritavarma back to Dwaraka and prepare his Narayani Sena, with consultations of his elder brother Balarama. On the side of Duryodhana, after the great Mahabharata war, Kritavarma was still alive. There was an untold secret understanding between Satyaki and Kritavarma and during the war for the entire eighteen days; they were keeping that undisclosed truth to themselves. The secret was disclosed by Veda Vyasa Rishi and by keen observation of the war events, anybody could understand it. Krishna was the charioteer to Arjuna and Satyaki was allowed to join with Yudhishtira. Both Satyaki and Kritavarma would never hold their weapons face to face but move in different corners of armies to chase other enemies.

At the beginning of the war, when Krishna as the charioteer of Arjuna had stationed in the middle of the war platoon ground, both Satyaki and Kritavarma were in the extreme opposite corners of the troops of soldiers, confirming the safe position of Krishna. Then Krishna was confirming the safe position of Arjuna.  Regarding Kripa, Krishna was very particular, as Kripa was the most able warrior but also the most peace lover in Kurukshetra, and he reported to Yudhishtira to have his services even after the end of Mahabharata war, since he was totally kept away from battle field.

In the next parva, with the name Karna Vivada, the position of Karna was also explained by Vyasa as a peace lover for the initial ten days, heard in the original ‘Jaya’. But later editions of ‘Jaya’ were depicting different stories, with different narrations with the name as Mahabharata. In general, Krishna had told Arjuna to be ready for the war with Kaurava brothers. His peace treaty had failed and for the seven Akshohini soldiers, Yudhishtira should order to worship Ganapathi for success.            

What are the benefits of reading stories in this website?

In this website, some side stories of Shreemad Bhagavatha Purana, Mahabharata and Ramayana are available for the esteem readers. Vyasa Maharshi had already assured the readers of these stories would be getting virtuous benefits, the sins would be washed away and the sorrows in life would be eliminated.  

On reading this story, children would gain more memory power, great moral strength in their future life; create a sense of self- reliance leading to peace and progress.

Next post, Mahabharata: Karna vivada Parva would be more interesting.

Mahabharat: Sainya Niryana Parva would be presented separately in another article.

It is humbly prayed for the blessings of God Krishna upon us. 

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