Category: General (Page 2 of 2)

Constitution Of A Nation

The most essential book in a nation for the smooth and satisfactory administration is the Constitution of that nation. The purpose of endeavor of the administrators is to allow all people to live happily, be with good health and visualize around with a feeling of secured scenario and never sustain sorrows. Shreemad Bhagavatha Purana, the ancient Indian book upholds these values:

सर्वेऽपि सुखिनः सन्तु सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कस्चिद्दुःखमाप्नुयात् ॥
Lord Krishna and Arjuna on a chariot in Mahabharatha
Lord Krishna and Arjuna in action to preserve Dharma
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Flag: The Symbol Of Honour

Flag is the symbol of honor.  By seeing a raised flag, one could get an idea of the people preceding it, in other words, it upholds the ideology of its followers. In the mythology, the characterized heroes of India have different depictions on their flags and even the divine characters, say deities, also possessed flags in India.

Flag with website logo on a hill
Flag with website logo

Some typical mythological characters and worshiped deities having flag are:

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Truth: The First Principle

सत्यम्ब्रूयात् प्रियम्ब्रूयात् न ब्रूयात्सत्यमप्रियम् ।

One must speak truth since truth is the first principle for mankind .But one should not speak unpleasantly even though the matter may be truth. In this regards, old Indian writings emphasize too much. Shree Adi Shankaracharya always encouraged questioning the methods and systems involved in the Indian rituals. He travelled throughout India participating in shastrartha vagvada charchas, meaning hot debates, arguments like court trials, in the presence of the then rulers of the land.

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Six Important Festivals Of India

The people of India celebrate various festivals in different styles and dates, even though some of these are common for the different believers. India supports multi lingual society, with followers of different faith. From the very early dates of history, it could be seen in India, people lived here having different aptitudes and liking with respect to the one in their near neighborhood.

Celebrating of different types of festivals in India has never caused any conflict but went on with mass happiness. Thus, in a neighborhood, people belonging to Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikh, or Jains, speaking different languages, live together happily. Out of their different festivals, some six are more important and hence recognized throughout India, but celebrated on different dates and in different styles.

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Six Seasons Of India

There are six seasons in India. Generally, there are four seasons, universally known as follows: Spring (Vasantha), Summer (Grishma), Autumn (Sharath) and winter (Shishira).  The additional two more seasons classified are Monsoon (Varsha) and Pre-winter (Hemanta).

The most essential commodity for human life is water and the nature provides it by showering rains on earth. Hence the rainy season of monsoon is very important and in India, it is marked as Varsha Ritu. Ritu means season in Sanskrit. Also, after monsoon but prior to winter, there is a phenomenon in the trees which automates falling of their leaves. Trees may be preparing to face winter season and this pre winter season is marked in India as Hemanta Ritu. The Indian classification is illustrated below:

Indian  RituSeasonsPeriod Lunar months
Vasantha RituSpring21st March to 21 MayChaitra – Vaishakha
Grishma RituSummer22nd May to 22 JulyJyesta – Ashada
Varsha RituMonsoon23rd July to 22nd SeptemberShravana – Bhadrapada
Sharad RituAutumn23rd September to 21st NovemberAshvija – Kartika
Hemant RituPre-Winter22nd November to 20th JanuaryMargashira – Pushya
Shishir RituWinter21st January to 20th MarchMagha – Phalguna
Six seasons of India
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Wealth, Web And Attractions

धनमग्निं धनं वायुर्धनं सूर्यो धनं वसुः।

धनमिंद्रो बृहस्पतिर्वरुणं धनमश्नुते ॥

The Goddess of Wealth is Lakshmi as per Indian belief. If one desires to get more wealth and continuously worships Goddess Lakshmi, he faces problems only, since Lakshmi is never pleased by simply worshiping her alone .There are several angels serving the main one, the supreme God, and each angels are assigned universal obligations. Lakshmi being the main angel is none other than the wife of Vishnu, who is the Main Protector of this world, also called as Maha Vishnu. There are more than one thousand names to Maha Vishnu., widely known as Vishnu sahasranama. They are in Sanskrit verses form and anybody could sing the same with musical melody.

Goddess Dhanalakshmi
Goddess Dhanalakshmi
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Shree Chakra: The Guide To Glorious Life

Shreechakra, or Sri Chakra, is a yanthra designed with circles and triangles containing manthrakshara in its own deserving places, drawn using Sanskrit tantric methods. It is also available in solid block model in meru danda form called ‘Bala Tripurasundari Nilaya’. The main purpose of Shreechakra is to submit the devotional rituals in the easiest methods as an alternative path of vedic homa to have enhanced output results. Concentration is the main required quality for Shreechakra method of worship, known as ‘Shreechakropasana’.  People in the business field could not arrange fire rituals frequently. Due to time shortage, other forms such as tarpan, dwija bhojana and temple visits are not practicable simultaneously with business, timely attending of shops or factories and land cultivations. 

Shree Chakra
Shree Chakra Meru Yanthra
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