Rama and Lakshmana moved towards the stream Pampa and they had seen the Mountain Rishyamukha. Hanuman greeted them and introduced to Sugriva and then Rama and Sugriva entered into a treaty to be friends and help mutually. Rama killed Vali and then told Sugriva to coronate Angada as the prince of Kishkindha. Then Angada was crowned as the prince of that country, of monkeys, and crowned Sugriva as the King of Kishkindha. However, Hanuman had requested Rama to come into the Kishkindha Palace, for gracing the occasion of coronation of Angada as prince. Rama thought and told him, about his vow, not to enter any village, town or city, as to keep up his promise, done before his father, but to spend fourteen years in the forest, avoiding entry into any village or city.